The Symbolism of Sweet Pea and Daisy Flowers
In April, we see some of spring’s first blooms start to bud in gardens, meadows, and on the branches of trees: magnolias, tulips, bluebells, cherry blossoms, hyacinth. Upon the arrival of April showers, these flowers are some of the first to make their brave journey toward the sky: signaling that winter is over and spring is here. And before the month comes to an end, they are soon followed by many more of their fellow garden friends.
Whether your birthday is in April, you’re celebrating someone you love, or you’re curious about what symbolic meanings these blooms hold for the month, let’s delve into the meaning of April’s two birth month flowers: sweet peas and daisies.
Timeless and humble, the daisy is known for its elegant simplicity, playfulness, and joy. The word “daisy” may have stemmed from the Old English phrase “day’s eye:” a name that captures how these flowers close at night and open again in the morning when the sun begins to rise. It was Drew Barrymore who remarked that “daisies are like sunshine to the ground” — and this sentiment rings true for many! Because of its petals radiating outward combined with its yellow center, the daisy resembles the sun and is therefore a widely recognized symbol of happiness, positivity, and cheerfulness.
One little known fact about daisies is that they are actually made of two distinct flowers: its center and its petals. Because of these two parts working together in perfect harmony to form something beautiful, they are a symbol of true love. As a resilient flower that grows in lawns, meadows, gardens, and roadsides throughout the spring and summer months, they are also a symbol of new beginnings and have been long associated with motherhood.
Sweet Pea
The sweet pea is one of the most enchanting flowers: they are known for their distinct fragrance with notes of honey, jasmine, and orange. Something so unique about these blooms is that their scent actually changes depending on the time of day and the weather!
This climbing flower has very delicate petals that resemble the wings of butterflies and belong to the legume family, though they are most definitely not edible. Growing best in full sun, their elegant appearance and sweet scent makes them a symbol of blissful pleasure. In addition, these spring/summer blooms express goodbyes, good wishes, kindness, and gratitude, making them a symbol of friendship and connection.
Whether you’re born in April or just love these two flowers (like I do), we all connect with flowers and their meanings in different ways. If you’d like to welcome the cheerful, grateful spirit of April’s birth month flowers and bring an air of new beginnings to your home or pass it along to someone you love, I created a watercolour painting of these two blooms that is available as a fine art print or greeting card! Happy growing!